Are the venues open year round?

Yes! Both venues can be booked year round!

How late do the venues stay open?

Unlike other venues in the area, events at our venues can be celebrated until 2:00 AM if you so choose! With us, the party doesn’t have to stop early!

How does pricing work?

Packages start at $2500 for the Secret Garden and $1500 for the Hawk’s Nest. We offer custom packages for decorations, alcoholic beverages and bartender services. Contact us for a personalized quote for your event!

Is lodging available?

Yes! We offer AirBnB lodging just a few blocks away from both venues upon request and availability. 

Where can my guests park?

At the Secret Garden, there is street parking available in front of the building. There are also parking lots across the street and directly behind the building. At the Hawk’s Nest, there is street parking available in front of the building and a parking lot to the right of the building.

Are the venues LGBTQ+ friendly?

Yes! We accommodate everyone!